Strategic Decision-Making Experts

The programs on strategic decision making and how each program is connected to plantation Agri value chain management:

Introduction of Strategic Management Process vs Strategic Planning:

Explanation: This program provides an understanding of the difference between strategic management and strategic planning. It ensures that the Vivonta team comprehends the overarching process of strategic management, which encompasses planning, implementation, and review. In the context of plantation Agri value chain management, this knowledge is crucial for aligning organizational goals with the dynamic demands of the agricultural sector.


Environmental Scanning:
  1. SCEPTIC-G Analysis: This component involves the assessment of Social, Cultural, Economic, Political, Technological, Institutional, and Global factors. Understanding these factors is vital for anticipating external influences on the plantation agri value chain, allowing the team to proactively adapt strategies.
  2. 7S Model Analysis: Focusing on Strategy, Structure, Systems, Shared Values, Style, Staff, and Skills, this analysis ensures that the internal environment is in sync with the external demands. For plantation Agri value chain management, a well-aligned internal structure is essential for efficient operations and supply chain management.


Strategy Formulation:
  1. Vision: Defining a compelling vision for the organization ensures that the plantation Agri value chain team has a clear sense of direction and purpose.
  2. Mission: Establishing a mission statement outlines the fundamental purpose of the organization in the context of the plantation Agri value chain, guiding decision-making and activities.
  3. Goals: Setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals ensures that the team has clear objectives aligned with the overall strategy for plantation Agri value chain management.
  4. SMART Objectives: Detailed objectives, developed using the SMART criteria, provide a roadmap for achieving the goals in the context of the plantation Agri value chain.
  5. Strategy Development: Crafting strategies specific to the challenges and opportunities within the plantation Agri value chain ensures effective utilization of resources and sustainable growth.


Strategy Implementation:
  1. Policies: Developing and implementing policies ensures that day-to-day operations align with the overarching strategy, promoting efficiency and consistency within the plantation Agri value chain.
  2. Procedures: Clearly defined procedures guide the execution of tasks within the plantation Agri value chain, enhancing operational effectiveness.
  3. Budget: Allocating resources in line with the strategy is crucial for successful implementation within the plantation Agri value chain, ensuring that financial considerations support strategic goals.


Strategy Review:
  1. Financial Review: Regular financial assessments allow the team to gauge the economic viability of strategies employed in the plantation Agri value chain, facilitating adjustments as needed.
  2. Non-financial Review: Evaluating non-financial metrics, such as customer satisfaction and environmental impact, provides a comprehensive view of strategy effectiveness in the context of the plantation agri value chain.
  3. Change, Improvements, and Innovations: Identifying opportunities for change, improvements, and innovations ensures adaptability and resilience within the plantation Agri value chain, responding effectively to evolving market conditions.


Industry Analysts:
  1. Global Plantation Industry: Understanding global trends and dynamics in the plantation industry is crucial for positioning the organization within the international context.
  2. Regional Competition and Situation: Analyzing regional competition and market conditions helps the team tailor strategies to the specific challenges and opportunities present in the local context of plantation agri value chain management.
  3. Local Plantation Industry and Sectors: In-depth analysis of the local plantation industry and its sectors enables targeted and informed decision-making, ensuring strategies align with the unique characteristics of the local market.
  4. Industry-Wide Analysts and Plans: Examining industry-wide analyses and plans ensures that the team stays abreast of industry best practices and innovations, fostering continuous improvement within the plantation Agri value chain.


By incorporating these strategic training programs, the Vivonta team can enhance their capability to make informed decisions and effectively manage the complexities of the plantation Agri value chain.